Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA)

Professional standards have been in the works and are now required.

Attend SNA-NH workshops and meetings to fulfill your CEU requirements.
New professional standards for all nutrition employees are being developed by the USDA.
The professional standards will:
  • Will enhance the image of school nutrition professionals
  • Communicate clearly that individuals working in school nutrition meet national requirements

What are the requirements and who does it affect?

The HHFKA specifies the following:
  • District directors will have minimum requirements for education, training, and certification
  • Managers and other staff will have annual training requirements (the specific details of the requirements for various categories of employees are still being determined)
  • State Agency Directors will have hiring and training requirements

How will individuals achieve the new standards?
  • Many people working in school nutrition already complete annual training. For others, the requirements many be new.
  • There are a variety of ways child nutrition professionals will be able to achieve the training requirements, such as online courses, association meetings, and in-person training

How can child nutrition professionals prepare?
  • Watch for the proposed rule, read it and submit your comments to
  • Start keeping track of any training you take. It will be helpful for you to have a record of your recent past training in order to prepare for any future requirements.

Fuel up to Play

Members Earn CEU's for FUEL UP TO PLAY 60 Activities

Learn about opportunities for continuing education and career development on the SNA national website.
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